We Work Our Magic On Your Messy Data. You Make More Money.

We recognize your business success and believe you can have more. We listen to understand your strategies and goals, then learn about the challenges you want to overcome. After agreeing on objectives, we analyze your data to create insights that will grow sales and reduce costs.

Look around most businesses and you'll recognize the pain, and cost, of poor data.

  • Sales people, operations managers, and even accountants waste time pulling, cleaning, and entering data from one spreadsheet to another.

  • Finance, sales, and marketing debate which "sales" numbers are correct.

  • You can't easily connect data pulled from separate functional systems.

  • You wish someone could connect the dots across functional processes, reports, and KPI's.

  • You leave meetings thinking, "I heard the explanation, but I really don't buy the why."


Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

We understand why you feel stuck:

  • Your data isn’t clean enough.

  • Your people already have too much on their plate.

  • You can’t start another big IT project.

The hardest thing to do is start. So do something, now.
A small win demonstrates the value and builds confidence to take another step. Let us be your guide.

Choose Data2Profit For Profit Planning and Forecasting Services

At Data2Profit, we believe in offering solutions that make a difference. When you need profit planning & forecasting services, you can rely on us to create a profit and loss forecast business plan customized to your unique business.

With a solid commitment to helping businesses succeed, Data2Profit offers specialized profit planning and forecasting services designed to drive growth and profitability....

Develop Profit and Cash Flow Forecast Models Tailored to Your Business

At Data2Profit, we understand that one size does not fit all in profit planning and forecasting. Each business is unique, with its challenges, opportunities, and market dynamics.

Our experienced analysts work closely with you to gather relevant data, understand your business goals, and identify key performance indicators (KPIs).

Measure Performance Against Data-Driven Assumptions

Profit forecasting is not a one-time event; it requires continuous monitoring and adjustment to stay on the path to success. Data2Profit's profit planning and forecasting services don't stop at creating models; we go the extra mile by helping you measure performance against data-driven assumptions.

Our team sets up regular reporting and monitoring systems to track the actual financial results against the forecasts.

Our Role In Supporting Your Growth Strategies

Access to adequate funding is essential for businesses looking to expand and capitalize on growth opportunities.

Our experts assess your financial needs and leverage our network of partners and resources to explore various funding avenues, including equity financing, debt financing, venture capital, or grants.

Here's Why You Should Work With Us

Choosing the right partner for profit planning and forecasting services is crucial for the success of your business. Data2Profit stands out for several compelling reasons:

  • Expertise and Experience

    Our team comprises seasoned professionals with a deep understanding of business analysis and financial modeling. As the top financial management company, we have a proven track record of helping businesses achieve their profit goals.

  • Data-Driven Insights

    Our services are grounded in data analytics and evidence-based decision-making. We provide actionable insights backed by solid data, empowering you to make informed choices.

  • Holistic Approach

    We offer a comprehensive suite of services, including profit planning, forecasting, performance measurement, and funding exploration, all under one roof. This integrated approach ensures seamless execution of your profit-enhancing strategies.

As top business consultants in Wisconsin, we seek to offer the results that you need. Data2Profit's profit planning and forecasting services are your gateway to maximizing profitability, improving cash flow, and securing the financial future of your business.

Contact Us!

With a commitment to tailored solutions, data-driven insights, and a holistic approach, we are the partner you can trust to help you achieve your profit goals.

Contact us today and embark on a journey towards sustainable growth and success.

 To see how we’ve helped manufacturers, an ad agency, a home builder, and an e-learning business, visit our client case studies. Then we start.